PCI Compliance

PCI DSS 4.0: Key Educational Needs to Consider

Improving your organizations understanding and implementation of PCI DSS 4.0 through education and compliance strategies.

Written by
Rachel Fine
Publication Date
January 5, 2024
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If we asked you to quickly name the requirements of PCI DSS 4.0, could you? 

Most likely, your answer would be no — after all, PCI DSS can be a complex framework that involves significant technological know-how, and PCI DSS 4.0 only furthers the standard’s focus on digital tools.

A new S&P Global Research report reveals that only 31% of payment data security professionals have a strong understanding of the PCI DSS 4.0 requirements. Additionally, 49% of these professionals report that their organizations have yet to implement the PCI DSS 4.0 changes

Yet, a lack of thorough PCI DSS knowledge can significantly hinder your ability to efficiently implement the latest PCI DSS changes. Balancing your PCI DSS 4.0 implementation with the demands of your own business objectives and innovation requires expert support, adequate resources, and a strong strategy. 

Previously, we discussed S&P Global Research’s findings on PCI DSS 4.0 security concerns and implementation challenges. Dive in with us today as we cover how to increase PCI DSS education and awareness within your organization. 

What is PCI? How Your Business Can Boost PCI DSS 4.0 Understanding

Anyone operating in the payments industry has likely encountered PCI DSS. However, knowing a standard exists and understanding how to properly implement and manage it are two different things. 

Boosting understanding and knowledge of PCI DSS 4.0 necessitates new training processes and organizational procedures that align with the standard’s requirements. As a business leader, you are responsible for providing your team with the resources and support needed to increase their expertise and overall proficiency with the regulatory framework. 

Here are five ways you can increase PCI DSS 4.0 knowledge within your organization:

  1. Enhanced Training & Education: Adequate training is paramount for ensuring your team understands the requirements of PCI DSS 4.0, including what is expected of them when handling payment data. If you do not currently have a PCI expert onsite, this is an excellent opportunity to either onboard experts to oversee training or invest in certifications for your existing team. To make sure PCI compliance is a top priority amongst your team, introduce the framework and its requirements at the onboarding level and work to integrate it into your company culture.
  2. Simulated Exercises & Scenarios: Organizing exercises to simulate real-life scenarios involving potential breaches or data security threats can help your team understand how to respond appropriately and effectively. Even if you choose to outsource your compliance needs, giving your team the opportunity to practice their response to data breaches and other issues further solidifies your security strategy and helps you meet PCI compliance requirements. 
  3. Accessible Documentation & Resources: Create easily accessible documentation, guidelines, and resources related to PCI DSS 4.0 compliance for your team to access as needed. These resources can be in the form of manuals, FAQs, infographics, or videos, all of which you should design to help employees quickly access information and discover answers they need to deal with specific situations. 
  4. Regular Internal Audits & Assessments: Audits and assessments are essential components of PCI DSS 4.0 compliance. Conducting regular internal audits to evaluate compliance levels and identify areas for improvement aids in keeping up with PCI DSS requirements and ensuring no problems within your payment system are overlooked. Audits and assessments are also great learning opportunities to incorporate into future training sessions.
  5. Leadership Commitment: As a business leader, you must ensure your managers and other leadership personnel are committed to PCI DSS compliance. Just as you would provide training to new hires, offering your business leadership opportunities to learn and expand their PCI knowledge is critical to earning leadership buy-in and participation. In turn, you can reinforce the significance of PCI throughout your organization.

As you work to increase your business’s understanding of PCI, leveraging free online resources is critical. 

One of the best educational resources is the PCI Security Standards Council’s official PCI DSS v4.0 Resource Hub. In this hub, you can find all the information, documents, and other resources necessary to develop a compliance and implementation strategy.

The Benefits of Outsourcing PCI Compliance to a Technology Provider 

Depending on your industry and the size of your business, it may not be realistic to onboard an entirely new team of PCI DSS experts. For instance, if you are an e-commerce merchant dealing primarily in online sales, the PCI DSS 4.0 timeline may not leave you with enough time to onboard new team members and bring them up to speed on how the new requirements impact your specific business.

Rather than overburdening your team with these concerns, the wiser decision is to find a reliable technology provider to whom you can outsource PCI compliance.

Outsourcing PCI compliance to a technology provider offers several benefits to your business:

  • Expertise & Specialization: Technology providers proficient in PCI compliance possess specialized knowledge and expertise that can keep your business updated on the latest standards. Additionally, you can implement the latest technologies and tools that help simplify PCI compliance, such as vaulting and tokenization solutions
  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing can be cost-effective as it eliminates the need to hire and maintain a dedicated team solely focused on PCI compliance. You can leverage your chosen provider’s resources and infrastructure, reducing operational costs associated with compliance.
  • Increased Business Innovation: Delegating PCI compliance responsibilities allows you to re-focus on core business activities and strategic objectives. As a result, you can enhance productivity and efficiency by redirecting internal resources toward revenue-generating tasks.
  • Risk Mitigation: By partnering with a knowledgeable provider, your business can mitigate risks associated with PCI non-compliance. Payment technology providers often have robust risk management strategies in place, reducing the likelihood of breaches or penalties.
  • Scalability: Outsourcing PCI compliance offers scalability and flexibility, particularly for growing businesses. With the right provider, you can adjust your use of services according to your changing business needs and demands while staying within the bounds of PCI compliance.

Simplify PCI DSS 4.0 Compliance with Spreedly

PCI DSS 4.0 brings new challenges to the forefront of PCI compliance, making reliable partnerships with payment technology providers vital. 

Here at Spreedly, our Advanced Vault solution simplifies PCI DSS 4.0 complexity. We maintain Level 1 PCI compliance — the highest and strictest level — to meet all of our clients’ PCI needs.

Additionally, we strive to provide both our current and future clients with the educational resources necessary to make sense of ongoing regulatory changes. As you work to increase your organization’s understanding and awareness of PCI DSS 4.0, feel free to make use of our many free articles on the subject:

Speak with Spreedly today to begin increasing PCI DSS expertise at your business.

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